अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

ICL के बारे में अपने सभी सवालों के जवाब खोजें।

निकट-दृष्टिदोष और दृष्टिवैषम्य के लिए इम्प्लांटेबल कोलामर लेंस एक अपवर्तक लेंस है जिसे फेकिक आईओएल के रूप में भी जाना जाता है। "फेकिक" का अर्थ है कि आंख का प्राकृतिक लेंस अपनी जगह पर है, और "आईओएल" का अर्थ है इंट्राओकुलर लेंस, या आंख के अंदर का लेंस। Visian ICL एक पोस्टीरियर चैम्बर इम्प्लांट है जिसे आंख में एक छोटे चीरे के माध्यम से किया जाता है और इसे आईरिस (आंख का रंगीन हिस्सा) के पीछे और प्राकृतिक क्रिस्टलीय लेंस के सामने रखा जाता है ताकि आपकी निकट दृष्टि और दृष्टिवैषम्य में सुधार हो सके।

The EVO ICL Lens (EVO) is intended for the correction of moderate to high nearsightedness. EVO ICL and EVO TICL surgery is intended to safely and effectively correct nearsightedness between -3.0 D to -15.0 D, the reduction in nearsightedness up to -20.0 D and treatment of astigmatism from 1.0 D to 4.0 D. If you have nearsightedness within these ranges, EVO ICL surgery may improve your distance vision without eyeglasses or contact lenses. Because the EVO ICL corrects for distance vision, it does not eliminate the need for reading glasses, you may require them at some point, even if you have never worn them before.

EVO ICL represents an alternative to other refractive surgeries including laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), incisional surgeries, or other means to correct myopia such as contact lenses and eyeglasses.

Patients who are pregnant and nursing and patients with a narrow angle in the front chamber of their eye, because in this case the space for the EVO ICL lens would be too small. The patient education booklet provides an additional list of conditions that should be taken into consideration when making a decision about the EVO ICL procedure.

The key benefit of EVO ICL surgery is the permanent correction or reduction of your nearsightedness and treatment of astigmatism allowing you to see clearly at long distances without eyeglasses or contact lenses or reduce your dependence upon them. In addition to the improvement of your uncorrected vision (vision without eyeglasses or contact lenses), your best corrected vision (best vision with contact lenses/eye glasses) may be improved.

Follow all of your eye care professional’s instructions before and after implantation of the EVO ICL lens. Take any prescribed medication and schedule all recommended follow-up visits with your eye care professional, usually on an annual basis after the healing of the EVO ICL surgery. Contact your eye care professional immediately if you should experience a problem.

The material is called Collamer®, a collagen co-polymer that contains a small amount of purified collagen which is proprietary to STAAR Surgical; the remainder is made of a similar material to that found in soft contact lenses. It is very biocompatible (does not cause a reaction inside the eye) and stable. It also contains an ultraviolet light filter.

Prior to being placed on the market, EVO ICL was subject to extensive research and development. Today, more than 2,000,000 lenses have been distributed worldwide. In a survey, over 99.4 percent of patients were satisfied with their implant. EVO ICL has a track record of excellent clinical outcomes. Additionally, the EVO ICL lens has been available internationally for over 10 years.

EVO ICL is intended to remain in place without maintenance. EVO ICL can be removed by your eye care professional if needed in the future. If your physician removes the EVO ICL lens, you will lose the benefit of your nearsightedness correction.

Wenn die EVO potenziell für Sie geeignet ist und Sie weitere Informationen erhalten möchten, sollten Sie sich an einen qualifizierten EVO-Chirurgen wenden. Ärzte sollten sich an die STAAR Surgical Company, den Hersteller der EVO, wenden, um mehr zu erfahren.

No. EVO ICL is positioned behind the iris (the colored part of the eye), where it is invisible to both you and others. Only your eye care practitioner will be able to tell that vision correction has taken place.

EVO ICL is not typically noticeable after it is implanted. It does not attach to any structures within the eye and does not move around once in place.

The EVO ICL surgery is performed on an outpatient basis which means that the patient has surgery and leaves the same day. The procedure itself usually takes 20-30 minutes or less. The patient will need someone to drive them home on surgery day. A light, topical or local anesthetic is administered. There is very little discomfort during or after surgery. Some eye drops or medication may be prescribed and a visit with your eye care professional is usually scheduled the day after surgery.

Die Kosten für das EVO Visian ICL Verfahren hängen stark von individuellen Faktoren, wie zum Beispiel Ihrer Sehstärke ab. Nach einer gründlichen Voruntersuchung bei Ihrem EVO Visian ICL Spezialisten erhalten Sie einen ausführlichen Kostenvoranschlag .

Im Durchschnitt geben Sie 10.400€ über die Lebensdauer für Brillen und Kontaktlinsen aus*

Da es sich bei der EVO um eine langfristige Lösung handelt, sind Ihre Kosten eine feste, einmalige Gebühr. Wenn Sie diese mit den langfristigen Kosten von Brillen und Kontaktlinsen vergleichen zahlt sich die EVO aus.

*Auf der Grundlage Ihres Alters (angenommen 30-39 Jahre) und der Art der Brillen und Kontaktlinsen. Bei den Kosten handelt es sich lediglich um Schätzungen zu Vergleichszwecken.

Zu den frühen Komplikationen, die in der ersten Woche nach der EVO-Operation berichtet wurden, gehören: EVO Entfernung und erneutes Einsetzen zum Zeitpunkt der ersten Operation, Flachheit der vorderen Kammer des Auges, die einen erhöhten Druck in Ihrem Auge erzeugen kann und eine periphere Iridektomie erfordern kann (ein Verfahren, bei dem ein kleines Loch in die Iris (Regenbogenhaut) mit einem Laser namens "YAG-Laser" platziert wird), vorübergehende

Hornhautschwellung (Ödem) und vorübergehende Entzündung im Auge oder Iritis. Komplikationen nach 1 Woche können folgende sein: Zunahme des Astigmatismus, Verlust des am besten korrigierten Sehvermögens, Trübung der kristallinen Linse (Katarakt), Verlust von Zellen von der Rückseite der Hornhaut, die dafür verantwortlich sind, dass die Hornhaut klar bleibt (Endothelzellverlust), Anstieg des Augendrucks, Irisprolaps, trübe Bereiche auf der kristallinen Linse, die visuelle Symptome verursachen können (kristalline Linsentrübungen), Makulablutung, subretinale Blutung, Netzhautablösung, sekundäre EVO-bezogene Operationen (Ersatz, Neupositionierungen, Entfernungen, Entfernungen mit Kataraktextraktion), zu viel oder zu wenig Kurzsichtigkeitskorrektur und zusätzliche YAG-Iridotomie notwendig.

Mögliche Komplikationen für die refraktive Chirurgie im Allgemeinen sind: Reizung der Bindehaut (weißer Teil des Auges), Hornhautschwellung (äußere Augenschicht), Augeninfektion, signifikante Blendung und / oder Halos bei Lichtern, Blut / Eiter im Auge, Linsenluxation, Makulaödem (Schwellung im Augenhintergrund), nicht reaktive Pupille, Pupillenblockglaukom, was zu erhöhtem Augendruck führt, Reizung der Iris (Regenbogenhaut), schwere Entzündung des Auges und Verlust des Glaskörpers (Gel im hinteren Teil des Auges). Sie sollten alle Vorteile und Risiken einer EVO-Operation sorgfältig mit Ihrem Augenarzt abwägen, bevor Sie eine Entscheidung für die EVO treffen.

Befolgen Sie alle Anweisungen Ihres Augenarztes vor und nach der Implantation der ICL. Nehmen Sie alle verschriebenen Medikamente und halten Sie alle empfohlenen Nachfolgeuntersuchungen mit Ihrem Augenarzt ein. Üblicherweise finden diese am ersten Tag nach der Behandlung, 1 Monat, 3 Monate und nach einem Jahr statt.. Falls notwendig, wird Ihr Arzt zusätzliche Nachuntersuchungstermine mit Ihnen vereinbaren. Setzen Sie sich sofort mit Ihrem Augenarzt in Verbindung, falls ein Problem auftreten sollte.

Important Safety Information

EVO & EVO TICL is designed for the correction of moderate to high near-sightedness (-0.5 to -20.0 dioptres (D)) and the reduction of near-sightedness in patients with up to -20 dioptres (D) of near-sightedness with less than or equal to 6.0 dioptres (D) of astigmatism. It is indicated for patients who are 21 to 45 years of age. In order to be sure that your surgeon will use a EVO with the most adequate power for your eye, your near-sightedness should be stable for at least a year before undergoing eye surgery. EVO surgery has been documented to safely and effectively correct near-sightedness between -0.5 dioptres (D) to -20.0 dioptres (D) and partially correct near-sightedness up to -20 dioptres in eyes with up to 6.0(D) of astigmatism. If you have near-sightedness within these ranges, EVO surgery may improve your distance vision without eyeglasses or contact lenses. EVO surgery does not eliminate the need for reading glasses, even if you have never worn them before. The EVO represents an alternative to other refractive surgeries including, laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), incisional surgeries, or other means to correct myopia such as contact lenses and eye glasses. EVO is not intended to correct any astigmatism you may have. Implantation of the EVO is a surgical procedure, and as such, carries potentially serious risks. Please discuss the risks with your eye care provider. The following represent potential complications/adverse events reported in conjunction with refractive surgery in general: conjunctival irritation, acute corneal swelling, persistent corneal swelling, endophthalmitis (total eye infection), significant glare and/or halos around lights, hyphaema (blood in the eye), hypopyon (pus in the eye), eye infection, EVO ICL dislocation, macular oedema, non-reactive pupil, pupillary block glaucoma, severe inflammation of the eye, iritis, uveitis, vitreous loss and corneal transplant. Before considering EVO surgery you should have a complete eye examination and talk with your eye care professional about EVO surgery, especially the potential benefits, risks and complications. You should discuss the time needed for healing after surgery.


1Visian ICL Patient Information Booklet

2Sanders D. Vukich JA. Comparison of implantable collamer lens (ICL) and laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for Low Myopia. Cornea. 2006 Dec; 25(10):1139-46.

3Naves, J.S. Carracedo, G. Cacho-Babillo, I. Diadenosine Nucleotid Measurements as Dry-Eye Score in Patients After LASIK and ICL Surgery. Presented at American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) 2012.

4Shoja, MR. Besharati, MR. Dry eye after LASIK for myopia: Incidence and risk factors. European Journal of Ophthalmology. 2007; 17(1): pp. 1-6.

5aLee, Jae Bum et al. Comparison of tear secretion and tear film instability after photorefractive keratectomy and laser in situ keratomileusis. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery , Volume 26 , Issue 9 , 1326 - 1331.

5bParkhurst, G. Psolka, M. Kezirian, G. Phakic intraocular lens implantantion in United States military warfighters: A retrospective analysis of early clinical outcomes of the Visian ICL. J Refract Surg. 2011;27(7):473-481.

*American Refractive Surgery Council